+6017 4777746
I am a trained Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist, Advanced EFT Practitioner and Reiki Master. I work with a range of issues from Stress/Anxiety, IBS, Phobias, Weight Reduction, Hiv/Aids, Self Harming to Past Life Regression and many more. I am also trained in TERT and Educational Kinesiology, The Release Method, Segment Intending and the Sedona method,
Based in Penang Malaysia I offer a fully confidential service and believe in working with people in a relaxed, non-judgmental atmosphere.
I can help you to regain control and achieve your personal goals and assist you to make positive changes in your life.
I approach each person as an individual.
Just because I see three people in a day with the same name for their problem at my practice, doesn’t mean that the same thing will work for them. Everyone creates and perceives their issue in a unique way, and I use a range of techniques from a number of different disciplines such as hypnosis, positive psychology, NLP, EFT, behavioural psychology and gestalt to put together in a particular way to suit the way you think. Nothing I know works on everybody, but everything I know works on somebody, so I adapt my approach to fit you, not hope you can adapt yourself to fit me.
I believe that trance is something we all experience everyday.
For example when we daydream, get ‘lost’ in reading a book or watching TV or drive on auto-pilot. It’s familiar and natural. You are aware that you are in control – and there are definitely no swinging watches involved!!
I work in partnership with you.
The sessions are interesting, enlightening and empowering. You’ll receive tools, techniques and strategies to use for yourself. The therapy effect continues to multiply between sessions and long after therapy is finished. It is a creative and productive process that can make a difference surprisingly quickly providing value for money. Cognitive Hypnotherapy is not a therapy that goes on for many months or even years as some do. Many problems can be resolved with a small number of sessions
I help you gain control.
If your stuck with a habit (e.g. smoking, nail-biting, over-eating), or you can’t overcome negative feelings (like anxiety, grief or nerves), I believe that you have everything you need to regain control. I can help you find what you have and need inside yourself.
I am up-to-date.
Cognitive Hypnotherapists is based on modern neuroscience and works from a modern understanding of the mind and of the mind-body connection. As well as hypnosis I also use insights from a range of psychological and therapeutic disciplines, including NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), TERT Trapped Emotional Release Therapy, Positive Psychology and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing). This means I have a wide range or tools and techniques to utilise in solving your problem.
I use scientific backing.
In common with hypnotherapy in general, Cognitive Hypnotherapy has two ringing endorsements. The first is from the reputable consumer organisation Which?
“Hypnotherapy is supported by more scientific research than any other complementary therapy”. (The Which? Guide to Complementary Therapies, 2002).
Secondly, the British Medical Association has recognised the validity of hypnosis as a therapeutic intervention since 1955.
I utilise the mind-body connection.
The mind effects the body and the body effects the mind. Cognitive Hypnotherapy works successfully with physical issues such as pain management, eczema, IBS and the stress/anxiety response.
I am professionally trained.
The International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (UK) is where I was trained, and is the home of Hypnotherapy. Please visit the website for more information.
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